Beth Christy Draper

Beth Christy Draper

Educator, speaker and holistic care professional offering remembrance of our connection to Nature and beautiful ways to heal.

As an Herbalist and Holistic Teacher and Facilitator, I’m grateful to be in service to the people of my community. I lovingly care for people who, in turn, support many others within their own communities.

Stewarding Sisterhood, Healing & Leadership for Women
I enjoy nourishing a woman’s innate creative healing wisdom to help her reconnect with her body, spirit, mind, soul and the natural rhythms of her body. Together we explore holistic practices that can help bring more balance and wellness. I facilitate one-on-one sessions, circles and teach courses on holistic support to further awaken people to their connection to nature, authenticity and power. Circles allow us to be seen, supported and heard, building confidence, health and leadership skills.

Healing that Centers on Nourishment
In my private practice, I work in the Wise Woman Medicine Traditions of my European Ancestors. The nourishment, support and wild beauty of Nature has moved me from the time I was a little girl. I’ve always been attuned to to the spirits of Nature. It’s this journey of deep listening and living relationship with our Earth allies that continues to inform my understanding of the interconnectedness and sacredness of all life. Working with the plants is truly enlightnening and transformative!

In 2020, I was called to train with the Global Sisterhood to facilitate women’s circles. This vision to support women’s healing and our sacred gifts in community continues to resonate powerfully as we rise together as stewards of our personal and global transformation.

View more about my experience